Monday, March 22, 2010

Flash Player Stopped while Loading


I encounter a problem.

I have a captivate project with 53 sildes and 52 mp3 (each silde with an audio,聽 1 slide no audio)

Then I publish project to Flash(SWF) file with HTML and the flash version is 8.

After finishing publish, I open the htm file ,but it stopped at Loading xx%.

The swf is 59.2MB.

How can I do to solve this problem?

Sorry, My mother language is not English, I do my best to describle my question.

Thanks your help!

Flash Player Stopped while Loading

Hello Yi-min,

No worries, your English is just fine.

Sorry -- but, I'm going to have to ask a few questions...

What version of Captivate are you using?聽 I don't think it matters much -- but, just curious.

Also, does it have to be FlashPlayer v8?聽 Maybe you could try a newer version of Flash Player.聽 Also, be sure that the machine you're playing it from has the corresponding Flash player (or better) loaded. At 59 MB, you have a pretty hefty file there.聽 I'd suggest trying the most current version of everything.

And, what sort of machine is hosting the published version?聽 Is it a web server, or maybe your local machine or a network file server?聽 From the image, it appears that your playing the published file from your desktop. Try to play the published file from a web server and see how that does.

Also, I see that you're browser is Opera.聽 Sorry -- but, I don't use that one and don't know much about it. But, check your Flash security settings in the browser, just in case...


Flash Player Stopped while Loading

Hi Joe,

聽聽聽聽 Thanks for your answer.

聽聽聽聽 Sorry for I didn't provide enough information.


聽聽聽聽 I follow your suggestion.

聽聽聽聽 Lighting swf size to 39MB by lower the audio quality and then flash player load swf successfully.

聽聽聽聽 but I got another problem - flash player play just 3 sec, and player down....

聽聽聽聽 So I continue lighting swf file , I seperate the project to 7 small project.

聽聽聽聽 Each project generates one swf file, and I insert 7 swf into one project.

聽聽聽聽 And it works.

聽聽聽聽 The main factor may be the size~

聽聽聽聽 -----

聽聽聽聽 Captivate version : 4

聽聽聽聽 Host server: webserver and local machine both occurs this problem.

聽聽聽聽 Browser : Opera and IE.

聽聽聽聽 Flash Player version: I tried 8 and 10



OK -- I've heard of a lot of Captivate problems being overcome by reducing

file size. There may be other tweaks that you could try -- but, sounds like

you're getting it to play as desired.


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