Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to automatically validate (a)...

I'm currently trying to automatically validate all the signatures on a pdf (so that you see a green V instead of the orange questionmark) and than convert this file to a image-pdf (nothing on the pdf is selectable).

I'm trying to do this via the adobe acrobat sdk but i don't know where to start. Can anyone help me out here or give me a sample / ...

the goal is to have this running on a server (all the certificates (ex. belgian root certificate, ... will be installed on the server)



How to automatically validate (a)...


As you want this to work on a server you will need to select a different approach as the Acrobat Application is not supported in server use (and it would likely display dialogs which would stop Acrobat until they are dismissed.

I would recommend looking into the Adobe LiveCycle product.


How to automatically validate (a)...


this looks strange to me. I would expect that using the Adobe SDK, we would be able to write programs to run on a server.

so, maybe i was not entirely clear in my question

can i open a pdf with de sdk (in background) and convert it to a tiff file having the signature a green V instead of the 'validity unkown' or 'not verified sign' (?)

i have read things about the DIGSIGHFT and a certain PubSec-api but is this the way i should follow ? Does anyone maybe have a simple example in c# ?



The Adobe Acrobat SDK is just a collection of header files, samples and documentation that require Acrobat to be installed on the machine you wish to use the Acrobat SDK on.

This means that any solution you create requires Acrobat to be installed so therefore you have to abide by the Acrobat products license agreement. If you want to do this on a server then you need to look at other options of which the LiveCycle suite would be the most suitable from Adobe.

To answer you direct questions.

can i open a pdf with de sdk (in background) and convert it to a tiff file having the signature a green V instead of the 'validity unkown' or 'not verified sign' (?)

I believe the conversion to TIFF is possible and you are able to validate the signatures using the SDK, however you may not be able to make sure that the application remains in the background while it is doing this process and it is against the license agreement to run the Acrobat application on a server.

Hope this helps your understanding


If you read the material that comes with the SDK, it clearly indicates that ''Adobe Acrobat is not licensed for use on a server, nor is it technically suitable''. No questions there.

If you wish to do server-based processing of PDF using Adobe technology, then we offer our LiveCycle ES family of products...

As far as using the SDK (on the desktop) to convert to TIFF - yes, that is fully supported. You can also use it to verify/validate signatures.

HOWEVER, the ''green check'' is NOT part of the page content and therefore will NOT appear on your raster image.

Reading and Writing PRC Files

Since the PRC format seems to be openly documented, would it be reasonable or possible to write an independent PRC reader/writer without using the A3D SDK? My only comment is that it would be more ideal for Adobe to make the PRC parser in the A3D SDK available outside its lock-down to the Acrobat Extended Pro license, as otherwise all of this same functionality has to be replicated by someone else wanting to write their own PRC reader/writer, and maintained in the future as the PRC format evolves.

Reading and Writing PRC Files

If Adobe does not listen to you - consider opensourcing the basic PRC IO code,

since (as I guess from U3D experience) a lot of work is finding by trial-and-error

answers to questions like ''is it really implemented in Reader ver X.X in OpenGL/DirectXX mode''

and ''what the hell the doc intends to say when the number 256 is to be stored in one byte'',

you may actually benefit from the attracted guinea pigs (or, more politely, beta-testers and early adopters).

BTW, the Asymptote drawing program already has some rudimentary PRC code (just covering its needs).

(Silly)Question about a specific tool...

First off, I apologize if this is one of those DUH questions, but I am not a scholar of Photoshop (

Ok, seen these logos? :

My question is: How exactly do I go about making a round shape(Or any shape really) and then cutting out swathes or sections of it to make stuff like the above? (Am I even using the correct terminology?)

I used to have Illustrator 7 and I remember the stuff I had to access in order to do that (merge/cut I think?) but with Cs4, everything is so diferent....Where in Photoshop are the controls to merge/cut/slice whatever (If those are even the ones)???

I know there are tutorials online, but I can't even find those cuz I don't know what terms to use in order to get to them...

Thanks so much for your help//

I a

(Silly)Question about a specific tool...

To draw a circle there are detailed instructions in the help file under circle.

To get the ''cut-outs'' you can draw circles or lines with the background color to make it look like your examples.

Many other ways to do it, but start simple.

(Silly)Question about a specific tool...

Play around with the pen tool set to draw shapes, and the different path modes in the options bar.

Does event.statusCode = 0 mean database...

I'm trying to insert and update data to the sql database.The even.statusCode returns 0. Does it mean the update is successful? Is the code below correct?

private function createMessageResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽''event.statusCode = '' + event.statusCode);

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 if (event.statusCode == 0)

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽''Database update is successful.'');

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 else

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽''The database update has failed. Contact xxxx'');

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽

Thanks in advance.

Does event.statusCode = 0 mean database...

That depends on how your backend server handles the updating.

Does event.statusCode = 0 mean database...

Thanks for your reply. Are you talking about the database server or application server or both?

In this case I mean the app server



El 17/04/2009, a las 13:36, salut %26lt;; escribi贸:


Thanks for your reply. Are you talking about the database server or

application server or both?


Start documnets

In CS2 we had the ability to setup a start document with custom symbols and swatch pallets. how do I do this on CS4?

Start documnets

Same way as CS2.

not sure what app you are referring to though.

custom set up is done with no docs open.

to set up a template doc. make a new doc. set it the way you want and save it.

Start documnets

I am working in Illustrator CS4 we used to make the changes after opening a new CMYK document. Then we would save that document replacing the CMYK documnet in the plug-ins folder. I do not see the same file in the plug-ins folder in CS4. I guess my question is what file does it use to create a new document and can I replace it?

Illustrator questions are best asked in the Illustrator forum. This forum is for suite specific issues.


Help Creating Flash Catalog.

I have CS3 Premium but I am totally new to flash as I few applications for it.

I would like any information on how I can convert a PDF or an INDesign Doc to a flash player /flip page catalog - I have seen software out there that can do it but I would think that with the software I already have I have the capabilities, however, searching produced no results.

Could somebody please help me or point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

Help Creating Flash Catalog.

You could give this a try:

Though, I believe the Adobe application is called FlashPaper - but I don't think they include it in the suites.

Help Creating Flash Catalog.

Thank you - I didn't know if it was possilble through INDesign in the export section.

You may want to post on the InDesign forum to get an accurate read of that.聽 I personally don't know InDesign very well.

Which PDF-version on Content Server 4

In what PDF-version must the PDF-files be saved, in order to work properly on ACS4?

I have noticed that PDFs that are uploaded in version 1.6 (Actobat 7.x) does not show the first cover image, but a blank page instead, when downloaded (as a library loan for example).

PDFs in versions below 1.6 show the cover image as they should.

I have created the cover images from Photoshop CS3 and saved them as Photoshop PDF - then added to the PDF-file.

On Content Server 3, all PDFs had to be saved in version 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x) to work, but I hoped that would be different in ACS4.

Actionscript 3 - AIR - SQLite: no such...

Hello everybody.

I have a custom class, where I try to create a database, and select a table named list... everything seems work well, but when I try to select the table list, I got the next message error: Error #3115: SQL Error., details: no such table: list... but in the code, I do create the table

My custom class is:

package com.actionscript.class.sql{

聽聽聽 import*;
聽聽聽 import flash.display.MovieClip;
聽聽聽 import flash.filesystem.File;
聽聽聽 import;
聽聽聽 import;
聽聽聽 import;
聽聽聽 import

聽聽聽 public class dataBase extends MovieClip {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 public var db:File;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 public var conn:SQLConnection;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 public var dp:DataProvider;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 public const tabla:String=''list'';
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 public var dodb:Boolean;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 public var ruta:MovieClip;

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 public function dataBase(lruta):void {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 ruta=lruta;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 db=File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath(''mydb.db'');
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 conectar();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 if (!db.exists) {
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 crear();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 } else {
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 existe();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 private function conectar() {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 conn=new SQLConnection();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 conn.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, onOpen);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 conn.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, onError);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 private function crear() {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 conn.openAsync(db);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 dodb=true
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 ;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 private function existe() {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 conn.openAsync(db);

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 private function onOpen(e:SQLEvent) {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 if (dodb) {
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 var sentencia:SQLStatement= new SQLStatement();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 sentencia.sqlConnection=conn;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 sentencia.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, onError);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 //sentencia.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, onResultado);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 var sql:String=''CREATE TABLE '''+tabla+''' ('';
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 sql+=''id INTERGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,'' ;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 sql+=''nombre TEXT,'';
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 sql+=''ruta TEXT'';
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 sql+='')'';
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 sentencia.text=sql;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 sentencia.execute();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 } else {
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 getData();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 private function getData() {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 var consulta:SQLStatement= new SQLStatement();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 consulta.sqlConnection=conn;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 consulta.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, onError);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 consulta.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, onResultado);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 var sql:String=''SELECT * FROM ''+tabla+'' ORDER BY id'';
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 consulta.text=sql;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 consulta.execute();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 private function onResultado(e:SQLEvent) {

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 var result:SQLResult =;
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 ruta.dataGrid.removeAll();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 dp = new DataProvider();
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 for each (var row:Object in {
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 dp.addItem(row);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 ruta.dataGrid.dataProvider = dp;

聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 private function onError(e:SQLErrorEvent){
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 ruta.texto.text=e.error.message+'', details: ''+e.error.details
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }
聽聽聽 }


thanks for the help

Actionscript 3 - AIR - SQLite: no such...

where's dodb assigned to true if the db exists??

Actionscript 3 - AIR - SQLite: no such...

Hi kglad, and thanks for answering

If the db exists, the variable dodb is not assigned to true, instead the scripts executes the function getData in onOpen private function.


are you sure you created a table?聽 your syntax doesn't look correct to me:聽 there shouldn't be single quotes surrounding the table name.


you are right about the quotes, but before I tried widthout quotes, and I got the same error.

did you check to see if you've created the table?

yes, in fact, the listener conn.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, onOpen); works, it means it opens the database

that's not what i asked.

I install the air app in my own computer, and I cannot find the db in files program%26gt;my app .... do you have any example how to do it?


i think you're creating the db.聽 it's the table i don't think you're creating.

what's your operating system?

my SO is: windows xp pro

Yes, I think my problem is the table exactly... but I do not understand why that part of the script doesn't work

if you've published (but not necessary executed) your air file, check under:

Documents and Settings/username/applicationdata/

for your air directory.聽 depending on your air certificate setting the folder under application data will have any number of names but will contain your application name as part of the directory name.

for example, my certificate uses, com.kglad and my applicationstoragedirectory (if the app name is sampleApp.air) will be:


I just checked and I could see the file mydb.db... that's the name I put the database in my custom class

yes, but you don't have that table.聽 you need to remove that if-statement that checks for the database because you're incorrectly assuming if the database exists, the table exists.

Can't get tween to work in action...

The code works below:

if (currentpage = ''friends'' {
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 new Tween (friends_btn.secondLine.para1,''_alpha'',Regular.easeOut,100,0,2,true);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }

but why won't this work?

new Tween (this[currentpage+''_btn''].secondLine.para1,''_alpha'',Regular.easeOut,100,0,2,tru e);

Can't get tween to work in action...

I have had this type of problem in the past.

Try this;

var cpBtn:String = currentpage+''_btn'';

new Tween (this[cpBtn].secondLine.para1,''_alpha'',Regular.easeOut,100,0,2,true);

Can't get tween to work in action...

no strangly it didn't work. I tried this already. Thanks anyway.

your first post looks mal-formatted, but is assigning currentPage to be ''friends''.聽 none of the rest of the code is doing that so a possible problem is the value of currentPage.

use trace(currentPage) to confirm.

the other issue is your use of ''this'' in a tween function and that's likely to be problematic.聽 to remedy, create a timeline reference and use that to coerce your string into an object.


if (currentpage == ''friends'') {
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 new Tween (friends_btn.secondLine.para1,''_alpha'',Regular.easeOut,100,0,2,true);
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }

ok the trace reports currentpage = friends.The tween works with this code. All I want to do is replace the friends_btn with: currentpage+''_btn''

Currentpage can be 8-10 different pages so the code saves me replicating the if command 8-10 times.

In nearly all other computer languages it would simply be: (currentpage+''_btn''.secondLine


var tl:MovieClip=this;

new Tween (tl[currentpage+''_btn''].secondLine.para1,''_alpha'',Regular.easeOut,100,0,2,true) ;

  • oil industry
  • Picture in a Bubble

    This is pretty cool, thought some of you might like to check it out;t=5234

    Picture in a Bubble

    Great effects Chuck. I'm sure that many can put this to use with but minor modifications.

    Thanks for posting. Had not see that thread on Muvipix.


    Installer for Adobe AIR does not...

    I tried to install Adobe AIR on my laptop (WinXP Professional, SP3), but the link at didn't work - website said 'downloading' and to click OK when prompted, but I never got prompted.

    So I found an alternate site, downloaded the installer and double clicked to run it. Nothing happened. So I tried a couple more times before checking my Task Manager.

    Under 'Processes', there were several instances of the Adobe Air Installer.exe running, but nothing was happening that I could see!

    I'm not sure if it's a conflict with any other software or insufficient system requirements, but I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything wrongly, cos I managed to successfully install Adobe AIR on another laptop I have, also running WinXP, and got Tweetdeck to work on it.

    Would appreciate any help on this matter from the more enlightened.

    Thanks in advance!

    Any tutorials on doing Subtitles in CS3

    Been asked by a client to add subtitles to a PAL DVD in Encore CS3. Specifically they want the subtitles to be turned on/off via the menu screen. Are there any good tutorials around for how to do this?



    Any tutorials on doing Subtitles in CS3

    I don't know of any tutorials, but you'll of course have to build the DVD project in Encore (you can't add subtitles after the DVD has been built). You might want to try a web search.

    On DVDs, subtitles are globally either on or off. When linking buttons, you can use the Specify Link dialog to set this up.

    Between Encore's Help and this reply, perhaps this is enough information to get you started?

    Any tutorials on doing Subtitles in CS3

    There are also some good articles and replies in this sub-forum, that list Subtitle applications, make suggestions for proper Timecode, etc., and give detail on things to do and not to do. Unfortunately, they are not organized like a FAQ, but still a wealth of detail and good info in those.

    Good luck,


    I have started to create the subtitles within Encore CS3 for my PAL version of the film but I also need a NTSC version and as Encore CS3 does not allow you to change the project type making you create a new project in NTSC and then reimporting all the assets this leaves me with a big problem. As far as I can see there is no way to export the subtitle track to a file to re-import into a different project.

    Any ideas how to handle this issue?



    NTSC and PAL are two different video systems with different frame sizes and frame rates - there have been multiple discussions in this forum on the best way of doing that.

    Encore CS4 can export subtitles as well as import them.

    Thursday, April 1, 2010

    Printing Problems with PowerPoint 2007

    Running Acrobat Pro 8.1.4, / Distiller Pro 8.1.3 / and PDF Maker Plug-in / Windows XP.

    Using the plug-in from PowerPoint 2007 to create a PDF file of that PowerPoint, I see the following: ''preparing slide''聽 and then ''Converting to Adobe PDF ...'' and then receive the following ''Acrobat PDF Maker'' error: ''An error occurred when trying to print to Adobe PDF.''聽聽 On other occasions, when I've tried this -- my PC crashed.

    When I use the printer function in PowerPoint (''print to adobe pdf'' ) to get around this problem -- the first time, the process seems to complete, but then, no pdf file appears (I have the option set to open that file) ... and the file is not present in the saved location.聽 However, when I try the same thing again -- the resulting file both appears and is available as a saved file in the right location.

    Any insights / suggestions would be appreciated.



    Printing Problems with PowerPoint 2007

    See if this ''use me instead'' program for Office 2007 will work with PowerPoint -A2E79ED87041%26amp;displaylang=en

    Printing Problems with PowerPoint 2007

    Thanks ...聽 but no, this didn't work.聽 I received a ''Microsoft Office PowerPoint'' error message:聽 ''an error occurred while PowerPoint was saving the file.''

    OFFICE 2007 seems to have some quirks that cause problems with PDF creation using Acrobat. However, it is likely that you are having a font issue. Try printing to file using the Adobe PDF printer and then open the file in Distiller to see the errors that are listed. That may help you find the issue with the PPT file. If you are using PPTX, you might also consider saving as a PPT file (Office 2203 compatibility). This does not eliminate all of the problems with OFFICE, but it might at least give you and idea of what is a problem.

    Thanks Bill - appreciate your advice.聽 I printed the PowerPoint ''to file'' (but was required to uncheck the ''use system fonts only'' option.)聽 Having generated the print file*, I ran distiller without any problems - no error messages.聽 Having failed to understand the problem that way - I saved the powerpoint in 2003 format, and again, tried to use the pdf maker plug-in -- and received the same error message at the same junctor as before.聽 (I had preferences set-up with ''embed font -- which I unchecked and also tried to run -- but without success.)

    *Something odd -- the last several times that I have used the print to PDF (with or without ''to file'' checked) -- I seem to fail on the first effort ... but succeed on the second effort.

    Will look forward to any further guidance.

    And again ... thanks.


    When I was doing the tests with OFFICE 2007, the problems occurred in both the PPTX and PPT modes. Typically I have fewer problems with the PPT mode, but the files are typically larger. I have used OFFICE 2003 with Acrobat with no problems. OFFICE 2007 gave problems with both AA7 and AA8. I do not have AA9 to try. My general conclusion is that OFFICE 2007 is either messed up or has included hooks to mess up Acrobat (not a new tactic from MS from what I have heard - kind of how they have tried to dominate the browser market and why many choose to not use IE).

    Using CS3 with MAC, Leopard. How can I...

    Any directions would be appreciated.

    Using CS3 with MAC, Leopard. How can I...;sliceId=2

    Thank you for stating your version and platform.

    xml in flex trees


    It seems like flex tree controls would render the data properly if you have this sort of xml format:

    %26lt;page label=''page 1''%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽聽 %26lt;page label=''sub page'' /%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽聽 %26lt;page label=''sub page'' /%26gt;


    But not if it start to look like this:


    聽聽聽 %26lt;label%26gt; page 1 %26lt;/label%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽 %26lt;extra%26gt;%26lt;/extra%26gt;

    聽聽聽 %26lt;page%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 %26lt;label%26gt; sub page %26lt;/label%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 %26lt;extra%26gt;%26lt;/extra%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽 %26lt;/page


    Would you guys tell me what to do? Should i write my own data descriptor? I tried the labelFunctoin property of the tree control it seems just using that does not suffice.


    xml in flex trees

    Not sure if this is what you want to do but by using xmllistcollection and getting the children it will produce distinct nodes.

    %26lt;?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8''?%26gt;


    xmlns:mx='''' layout=''vertical'' creationComplete=''init()'' xmlns:local=''*''







    Bindable]private var

    treeXml:XML =



    %26lt;label%26gt;page 1%26lt;/label%26gt;




    %26lt;label%26gt;sub page%26lt;/label%26gt;





    Bindable]private var treeData:XMLListCollection = new




    %26lt;mx:Tree id=''tree'' dataProvider=''{treeData}'' labelField=''label'' width=''293''%26gt;%26lt;/mx:Tree%26gt;


    xml in flex trees

    hey thanks for trying to help me out, but i solved my problem using custom descriptors, it could probably be the most likeable solution.

  • makeup video
  • web module: upload error

    I'm posting this question again.聽 It was originally posted by Alex 885 back in Feb. '07 and I couldn't find any solutions to the issue he presented.聽 I'm having the same problem.

    'after accepting my ftp pw, LR starts building the web content.聽 While trying to upload it stops with this error msg: 'an error occurred sending the file: access was denied.''

    I have, in the past, successfully uploaded many web galleries.聽 But now no go!聽 I have verified all 'upload settings' and the connection is good as the 'browse' button in the 'configure FTP File Transfer' searches my website and displays the content.

    I have attempted an upload on both my macs and I have tried different web templets.聽 All resulting in the same error message.

    Autofill form text fields from database

    I have made a form in asp code with text fields. Behind this page is a database (access).

    This database contains static information and does not need to be updated. It is only for output.

    In this form, there are some text fields to be filled in.


    First name

    Last name

    E-mail address

    Telephone number

    This information is in the database.

    What I try to do is that when the first text field ''Reference'' is filled, the related information is selected from the database and automatically put in the other corresponding text fields.

    Anybody any idea how to do this?

    Autofill form text fields from database

    I don't use ASP, but the simple way to approach this problem is to have two pages. The first page contains a form with a text field for Reference and a submit button. Set the form's method to GET, and the action to the page that contains the full form.

    In the page that contains the full form, create a recordset to select the details from the database, using the URL parameter for Reference as a filter. You can then bind the results from the recordset to the value attributes of the remaining form fields.

    Autofill form text fields from database

    You should be able to get close to what you are looking for in Dreamweaver by going to the ''Data'' tab and using the update record wizard.

    Lawrence聽聽 *Adobe Community Expert*
    Complete Shopping Cart Application for
    Dreamweaver, available in ASP, PHP and CF

    fulltext search across many-to-many...

    Hi all,

    I'm creating a little search engine for my product catalog.

    The catalog contains lots of tables, but the main ones are 3:

    • Product
    • language
    • translation

    the product table contains 4000+ records

    the translation table contains 4000+ * 3 (languages)= 12.000+ records

    the language table contains... 3 records

    Here is the relation between those tables:

    prod_id (INT5)------------------%26gt;prodid_trans (INT5)
    ...languageid_trans (INT5)%26lt;-----------id_lang (INT5)
    ...translation_trans (TEXT)name_lang (VARCHAR65)
    ...keywords_trans (TEXT)
    ...other 40+ fieldsoptions_trans (TEXT)

    I can manage easily the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE transactions.

    But now I need to create a search page that allow me to search for (example) a specific keyword.

    How can I display results in the currently selected language (language is stored in a session variable).

    I tried to use some kind of SELECT statement. Here a sample:

    SELECT DISTINCT articoli.nome_art, cat_princ_catpri.catpri_it, cat_princ_catpri.catpri_uk, cat_princ_catpri.catpri_es, subcat_sub.subcat_it, subcat_sub.subcat_uk, subcat_sub.subcat_es, categorie3.cat_it, categorie3.cat_uk, categorie3.cat_es, articoli.foto_art
    FROM (((((lingue LEFT JOIN trad ON trad.lingua_id_trad=lingue.id_lng) RIGHT JOIN articoli ON articoli.id_art=trad.art_id_trad) LEFT JOIN subcat_sub ON subcat_sub.id_sub=articoli.subcat_id_art) LEFT JOIN categorie3 ON categorie3.id_cat=articoli.cat_id_art) LEFT JOIN cat_princ_catpri ON cat_princ_catpri.id_catpri=articoli.cat_princ_id_art)
    WHERE lingue.nome_lng='KTColParam1' AND articoli.pubblico_art=1 AND (MATCH(articoli.nome_art, articoli,.codice_art) AGAINST('%KTColParam2%') OR MATCH(trad.key_trad) AGAINST ('%KTColParam3%'))
    GROUP BY articoli.nome_art
    ORDER BY articoli.nome_art ASC

    If I use the OR operator between the two MATCH statements I get ALWAYS timeout errors.

    If I use only one MATCH statement the query works well.

    How can I solve this?

    I need to search for any word or phrase across those 3 table. It can't be so difficult... but I can't find a way...

    Any idea?



    fulltext search across many-to-many...

    AND ( (MATCH(articoli.nome_art, articoli,.codice_art) AGAINST('%KTColParam2%') OR MATCH(trad.key_trad) AGAINST ('%KTColParam3%') ))

    Try an extra set of brackets, your OR statement is overriding your AND filters.

    Changing .swf Cooridinates

    Hey, I am trying to get a music player to play on my flash stage, and so far I have gotten it to work fine, but it's right in the middle of everything (text, links, etc.)

    Here is my code to load the .swf:

    this.createEmptyMovieClip(''holder'', 100);

    How can I get the coordinates to change so that it's, you know, further to the side..?


    Changing .swf Cooridinates


    聽聽聽聽 The trick is to wait until the SWF has fully loaded.聽 At that point (and not before), you can reference the loaded SWF and treat it the same as any movie clip instance (that is, an instance of the MovieClip class) -- because SWFs actually are movie clips.聽 聽 The MovieClip.loadMovie() method, which is what you're using, is fine ... you can definitely use it, but it's a slightly older method, one that takes a bit more effort to test against.聽 You might want to replace your loadMovie() approach with the MovieClipLoader class, which dispatches an event -- an event you can listen for and respond to -- when its content loads.

    聽聽聽聽 Here's a brief article on all of the above:


    聽聽聽聽 So once your content is loaded, you reference it and set its MovieClip._x property to whatever value looks right.

    聽聽聽聽 If you still have questions, don't hesitate to post again.聽

    David Stiller
    Contributor, How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS4
    ''Luck is the residue of good design.''

    Changing .swf Cooridinates

    Actually got it figured out!

    this.createEmptyMovieClip(''holder'', 100);
    holder._x = 250 ;
    holder._y = 110;

    Thanks though!


    聽聽聽聽 Ah, I see that.聽 Yup, that'll do it.聽 The extra steps I mentioned are necessary if you want to deal with event handling, such as turning the loaded content into a clickable button.聽 Positioning alone of your holder clip doesn't need what I mentioned.

    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    ''Luck is the residue of good design.''

    One of the folders of Robo Help Project...

    Hello Everybody,

    One of the folders of Robo Help Project Manager is listed twice in Windows Explorer. One has all the subfolders and topics of it and the other has all the subfolders but not the topics. How did I get into this kind of situation? Why do I have two folders? Can somebody please answer on this?

    Since my RH project is attached to Visual Source Safe (VSS), the same structure is mirroring in VSS.

    One of the folders of Robo Help Project...

    Hi there

    Sorry, more questions here than answers I'm afraid.

    1. What version of RoboHelp?
    2. What flavor of RoboHelp? (RoboHelp for Word or RoboHelp HTML)
    3. Is this maybe related to a Microsoft Word document?

    Cheers... Rick

    • Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training

    • Click here for the SorcerStone Blog

    • Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

    One of the folders of Robo Help Project...

    I am using RoboHelp HTML V6.

    Please post a screen capture of what you are seeing. It's super simple to do. Just capture the screen and use the picture icon.

    Cheers... Rick

    • Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training

    • Click here for the SorcerStone Blog

    • Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

    Attached is the image file.

    Check the spelling of the two folders if you ''c'' what i mean

    Hi there

    After reviewing the image I see that what you might think are two of the same folder are two different folders similar in name.

    One is named Advanced_Functionality. The other is named Advanced_Funtionality (note the missing C).

    I'm assuming this is the folder you are referring to?

    Cheers... Rick

    • Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training

    • Click here for the SorcerStone Blog

    • Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

    Ummm yeah.

    What Colum said!

    Good on ya, Colum!

    Good catch!

    I am still confused. How come I was still seeing two folders - one correctly spelled and one incorrectly spelled but in Robo Help i only had one folder with the correct spellings. If at one point i had created the other one with the incorrect spellings then shouldn't that be in RH as well. I have attached a screen shot of the folders in RH.

    My second question is that the folder which is incorrectly spelled, I only have in Explorer not in Robo Help project, is it ok for me to delete from the Explorer?

    Thanks so much for your help

    Hi again

    My guess is that you erroneously created the folder to begin with. Perhaps you were on a network initially and moved locally?

    Before deleting anything wholesale, I'd try simply moving the folder to a different location and see if RoboHelp wanders around all bug-eyed looking for it. If not, then you can just delete it. If so, it's time for some sleuthing.

    Cheers... Rick

    • Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training

    • Click here for the SorcerStone Blog

    • Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

    Yes, but I think I'd delete it from VSS first.

    Good luck,


  • makeup video
  • Upgrade from CS4 Design Standard to...


    I've CS4 design standard. Is it positble to upgrade it to CS4 design premium?



    Upgrade from CS4 Design Standard to...

    Call customer service they are the only ones that can help you.

    Can you programmatically create...

    Trying to do the opposite of what many try and do.聽 Trying to take a single 150 Page PDF or a 150 Page Powerpoint and create 150 one page PDF's out of it.聽 Is there anyway to do this programmatically?

    Any ideas are welcomed.

    Can you programmatically create...

    You might want to ask in the programmer's forums

    Start here

    Forums for either scripting or SDK developer

    Can you programmatically create...

    Document - Extract Pages - check Extract Pages As Separate Files

    Thanks for the reply.聽 Is there a way to automatically save it as another pdf without having to step through the process 150 times.聽 If it is a one time thing, it would be okay, but this is for a continual process.

    Thanks.聽 Will do.

    What do you mean? If you do that it will create 150 1-page files in one go.

    Try it. (make sure you change the ''to'' field to point to the last page of

    the document)

    The person who was doing it had an old version of Acrobat (I think version 5) that did not allow the save function.聽 It did extract it, but didn't save it.

    After seeing your second reply, I went to a computer with Acrobat 7 that worked perfectly.

    Thanks for replying.

    Purchase order tutorial works local but...

    Hello, I have the trial version of LC Designer ES and have been going through the tutorials which work fine locally. I need a PDF form to be populated by an XML file (just like the Purchase Order Tutorial) but located on my web server - so that anyone anywhere can open the form from their browser. I have changed the paths for the Schema and the XML but still no luck. All the files (PDF, XLS, XML) are on the root level of the site. Any thoughts on what I need to do??

    Thanks for any help.


    Purchase order tutorial works local but...


    How are you merging the XML data with the form template?

    Are you expecting the XML data to be merged with the form as it does when you Preview PDF in LiveCycle Designer ES?


    Purchase order tutorial works local but...

    Thanks for responding Steve,

    Yes I was (wrongly?) expecting the data to merge as it would through the preview PDF tab. I assumed the parameters set in LiveCycle Designer were being embedded into the PDF so that when it is opened it would know the path to the data. (I guess I should know what happens when I assume).

    So if this is not the way it happens then how does the PDF get the XML data to display. I mainly use PHP and apache/mysql and can get (my partner the programer to create) an XML file from the data in the MySql Database.



    The primary consideration is the client type.

    If your users have Acrobat, then they can import/export the XML, make a direct connection to the database, call a Web Service sitting in front of the database, or call a server-side process to get the data, for example.

    If your users have Reader, then you are required to use LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES to rights-enable a PDF. A PDF can be assigned an import/export right, for example. When a user opens a PDF with import/export rights, Reader behaves like Acrobat. The most common use of Reader Extensions ES is to enable a PDF with local save so Reader clients can fill interactive PDF forms and save locally.



    My project requires that from a html/php page that is displaying information (say聽 purchase order information) a button is pressed and the same information populates a PDF form. In this instance the PDF is for layout/design and corporate identity purposes only and the purchase order information does not need to be editable (static).

    The client would be using Acrobat聽 Reader (in their browser) to view and print the PDF. They would also at times need to save the PDF with all information so that they can email it.

    I hope this makes sense, thanks for your time.


    ID CS4: Is there a way to resize...

    InDesign CS4: I have a group of object frames that I need to resize (I don't care about resizing the content, I know how to do that) and I'm wondering if there's a way to resize them all at once to a specific size. If I group them and resize them it only gives me the group height and width, I want them each to be a specific measurement.

    Any suggestions or know plug-ins to help?

    ID CS4: Is there a way to resize...

    Do one, then select the rest and Object %26gt; Transform Again %26gt; Transform Again Individually.

    ID CS4: Is there a way to resize...

    Thanks for that, I was going crazy!!

    Do you know a way to set up a grid of picture frames (think yearbook style) and import pictures into them faster than one at a time?

    Two ways to automate input would be Data Merge and XML.

    The contact sheet script in Bridge might work, too.

    If you don't want to use data merge or xml, you can also place multiple images in one action.

    Thanks, Bob! That was just what I needed.

    Image rollover effect

    I have a horizontal scrollbar with a series of smaller images inside that need to get larger when you rollover.聽 No problem with that.聽 I want the images to get pretty big but not cover the other images, but instead force the other images to move out of the way onRollOver, then move back onRollOut.聽聽 If anyone can point me in the right direction to help figure this out I would really apreciate it.聽 I know it should be simple, but I just can't wrap my head around it.


    Image rollover effect

    use google to search for ''flash tsunami tutorial''.聽 specify your actionscript version if needed.

  • makeup video
  • Monday, March 29, 2010

    Create more than one link to a document

    I am a RoboHelp 6 user. I can only link to a Word document or PDF once, in other words if I create more than one link to a document, the second link is broken. I would appreciate it if anyone can tell me how I can get around this.

    Create more than one link to a document

    Hi there

    Wow... a link should be a link should be a link, no?

    Are you creating multiple links in the same page? Or are you talking about on different pages?

    And just to be certain, you are using RoboHelp for Word? (shudder)

    Cheers... Rick

    • Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training

    • Click here for the SorcerStone Blog

    • Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

    Create more than one link to a document

    Hi Rick,

    Thanks so much for your quick reply. I am using RoboHelp for Word. I'd like to give you an example of a typical scenario:

    On one page I Have created a list of forms and created a link to each form (PDF and Word documents). On another page, consisting of paragraphs of text where I refer to some of the same forms, I would like to create a link. When I do just that, the first link breaks. It doesn't make any sense.



    Hi again

    What about your output type? Is that where you are noticing the break is occuring? Please tell us what your output type is.

    • WinHelp
    • CHM
    • WebHelp
    • FlashHelp
    • Other (If so, what?)

    Cheers... Rick

    • Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training

    • Click here for the SorcerStone Blog

    • Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

    Hi Rick,

    My output type is WebHelp.

    Hi again,

    After compiling my document, when I click on the links, only the second link is live.


    Hi again

    So sorry, but I'm out of ideas and will have to leave you to find someone that uses RoboHelp for Word. Unfortunately, you are using a product that has an ever shrinking user base. Many have moved on to RoboHelp HTML. You may wish to consider switching as well. Here's why.

    • There are more users that are familiar with it and are able to help you troubleshoot.
    • You are creating HTML output.
    • The editing interface is very ''Word like'', so there is very little (if any) learning curve.

    Creating HTML output from Word based documents will always be a trade off and sometimes a struggle. It's like trying to extract water from oil. (IMNSHO of course)

    Something to think about... Rick

    • Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training

    • Click here for the SorcerStone Blog

    • Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

    Hi Rick,

    Thanks loads for trying! I'll consider your suggestion.


    Licensing stopped working: Does anyone...

    For the 3rd time in as many months I'm having to uninstall, clean and reinstall CS 3 Web Premium suite.

    Error message on all applications:

    ''You cannot use this product at this time. You must repair the problem by uninstalling and then reinstalling this product or contacting you IT administrator or Adobe customer support for help.''

    This is ridiculous... it seems like hundreds of customers are suffering the same problem from looking at forums and blogs.

    Surely a company with such a reputation can provide a fix for this problem. I'm not rich, infact I am currently unemployed, but I invested a great deal of money in what I 'had' regarded as the best software.

    However, having to go through this lengthy process of uninstalling, cleaning and reinstalling every few weeks is becoming a real pain in the butt. It takes hours...

    I am getting no where in trying to get answers.

    Can anyone tell me who I can complain to in order to get some action on this?

    Can anyone advise if there is a perminant fix or what Adobe is doing about it!?

    One VERY annoyed Adobe user.

    Licensing stopped working: Does anyone...


    Which windows version are you using? Are you running 32 or 64-bit?

    No, adobe is only concerned if you have paid for one of their support packages. If you haven't, you're SOL.

    Licensing stopped working: Does anyone...


    Thanks for your input... I have Vista Home Premium - 32bit operating system. Service Pack 1.


    This happened to me a few months ago. Go here:;sliceId=2

    Solution 4 is the one that finally worked for me. I did not have to reinstall the software!

    Hope this helps.


    Access values in one component from a...

    I have a component with a datagrid. I can access this from the parent application as step0.chosenList.dataProvider, and another datagrid in the main app can display it if its dataprovder is set to {step0.chosenList.dataProvider}.

    However, I have a pop-up window which is a separate titleWindow component which also has a grid that needs to display this same data.聽 It doesn't recognize {step0.chosenList.dataProvider}.

    What's the proper way to do this?

    Access values in one component from a...

    Hi there you could use Application.application.step0.chosenList.dataProvide

    Access values in one component from a...


    You're welcome, please don't forget to close this thread.

    Initial window position on MacOs

    I am developing an application that requires to show some notification windows when certain events occur. I did the notification windows using the mx:window element. In MS Windows they work perfectly and I set their initial position using the mx:window 'x' and 'y' property. But on MacOs the windows always appear on the center of the screen, no matter how I set their parameters, I've tried everything I can think of and I've searched on google and on AIR's documentation.

    Anyone knows how to fix this so that my application can be cross platform? Any help would be really appreciated.

    Initial window position on MacOs

    Very weird.

    The same mechanism works for me on windows and mac.

    Initial window position on MacOs

    That's weird indeed, I was starting to think it was an Air bug.

    Does it work for you using the mx:window container or do you use a different one? Is there any other property that you change for this? Do you change anything on the properties file in order for this to work for you?.

    Thanks for your answer Cesare

    all the changes I make are via as3.

    I use a window, full scree, transparent, x and y = 0. Therein I place my notification messages.


    That's what I was missing! trying with a window that initializes in fullscreen. Although on MacOs if I set it to fullscreen it hides the dock, however I tried setting the window as maximized and it now works perfectly! Thank you Cesare, I hadn't thought about that option before.

  • makeup video
  • Edit menu help

    Hello friends,

    I am developing web based flex application , which contains a menubar and few textinput controls.In the menu bar i have edit menu which includes cut,copy,paste,find,replace.The keyboard shortcut and context menu item for cut,copy,paste of the textinput are working fine.But i need to implement this funtionalties(cut,copy, paste,find,replace)in my custom menubar.How can i do this?.Please suggest me some good ideas and examples.


    Problem with Wipe effect and Invisible...

    Hi folks....

    I've see how use wipe effect at this link

    and the core is that:

    %26lt;mx:Image source=''@Embed(source='assets/Nokia_6630.png')'' 
    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 visible=''{cb1.selected}''
    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 hideEffect=''{wipeOut}'' showEffect=''{wipeIn}''/%26gt;

    Now, I want write a personal effect handler, that opens and closes a windows with WipeLeft and
    WipeRight effect, but there are some problmes...

    Open is OK!

    private function Open():void {
    _scroll.addEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, WipeOut);
    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 _scroll.visible = true;

    the window became visible while Wipe effect runs....

    but Close doesn't works

    private function Close():void {
    _scroll.addEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, WipeIn);
    聽聽聽聽聽聽 _scroll.visible = false;

    because the windows became invisible before that Wipe effect starts...

    Can you help me?

    thanks a lot

    Problem with Wipe effect and Invisible...

    - sorry -

    I've done a bit of confusion with text format...

    ok.. my question is:

    How can I change the code in order to resolve my problem?

    private function Close():void {
    聽聽聽聽 _scroll.addEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, WipeIn);
    聽聽聽聽 _scroll.visible = false;

    thanks again!!!

    How to find out the filename of...

    I got the filename of javascript and pathname of javascript(not the active document file name) using the below code in illustrator cs3.

    var path = $.fileName;

    But my problem was if i run the javascript through ''extendscript toolkit'' i got it correctly. But if i run my script through illustrator cs3 application(File-%26gt;Scripts-%26gt;test.jsx) i got some integer value only(did not get the javascript filepath and filename). Kindly advice how to get the javascript file name and file path in windows platform through illustrator cs3 javascript. Please help me.

    How to use a link bar or navigation bar...

    My app has a link bar in an Application Control bar that is bound to the view stack of the steps in my application.

    I would like to use this as a mechanism to show the user which step he is on and how many are left, but NOT to click on it to navigate between steps.聽 I have provided wizard-like buttons to step navigation.

    How can I have the link bar not respond to clicks, or, if not, programmatically disable certain steps in it (e.g. ''step 2'' not available until I say so)?

    How to use a link bar or navigation bar...

    OK, I have decided it might be easier to use a repeater with buttons in it, such as:

    %26lt;mx:Repeater id=''toolbar'' dataProvider=''{dataXML}'' %26gt;

    %26lt;mx:Button label=''{toolbar.currentIndex+1}. {toolbar.currentItem..stepTitle}'' enabled=''false'' /%26gt;


    So now I'd like to progressively change the buttons in the repeater to ''enabled'' as I am ready.

    However, toolbar.getChildAt(0).enabled = true fails with:

    1119: Access of possibly undefined property enabled through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.

    How to use a link bar or navigation bar...

    Never mind, I eventually figured it out:

    I had to give the button an id which apparently creates an array of the same name:%26lt;mx:Button id=''toolbarButtons'' enabled=''false'' /%26gt;

    So to enable it: toolbarButtons[0].enabled = true;

    Premiere Pro CS4 import m2t files from...

    Who has experience with the combination Canon XL H1 nNovia QCHD Premiere Pro CS4 and Vista 64 or XP Pro 64 bit?

    Pleas contact me at

    Banner distorted when displayed in a...

    I've created a banner on Photoshop, imported a logo and put some text in and it's all as I want it.

    However, when doing a check to see how it would look in a web browser, in both safari and Firefox the banner is distorted and doesn't look great.聽 If I do Cntrl-A to make the image quality better, it appears how I'd like it to appear.聽 How do I get it to appear like that first time without having to Cntrl-A it?

    It's driving me mad!


    Banner distorted when displayed in a...

    Bit hard to help without actually seeing it聽 :-)

    Are the proportions of the image the correct size when you inserted the image into DW, you didn't resize it or anything like that?

    Can you post a link to the page?

    Banner distorted when displayed in a...

    I haven't got a site yet, this is in test mode.

    However, I've now managed to sort it by simply saving the banner as a png as it was a jpg before.

    Thanks anyway!

    Shouldn't really make a difference whether you saved it as a jpg or a gif (though the quality would depend on the finished image of course).聽 But you did say distorted, so it sounded like it had been resized when you 'placed' it into DW.

    When you insert an insert an image, you will generally see the size dimensions of the image in the code, just make sure they are the same size as the actual image itself.聽 :-)

  • makeup video
  • Acrobat 9 - Attach to email - missing...

    I just upgraded to CS4 from CS3. In Acrobat 8 when I am viewing a PDF if I go to the File menu and select (Attach to Email) I am taken to my mail app and an email was created with the attachment and the subject line is filled in with the file name. With Acrobat 9 when I try to do the same thing it does not include the subject line. Is there some sort of preference I can change to get it to include a subject line?

    I send a lot of PDFs to customers and that feature in Acrobat 8 is a convenient time saver.


    Acrobat 9 - Attach to email - missing...

    Sorry this isn't a post helping you but I'm having the same problem.聽 I have seen quite a few posts about this very subject and no one has posted answers yet.聽 I'm hoping to find an answer soon, if i do i'll post again.聽 until then, perhaps and Adobe Expert can help us resolve this issue.

    A fundamental question for AS


    I need to create a string variable that has a set of preset values, just like verticalAlign that has top, bottm, and middle.

    I know this is pretty fundamental but can someone point me to a small example such as a class? thanks.

    A fundamental question for AS

    I think that what you're looking for is a control that allows you to present text with preset values, you could use聽 a mx:Text or mx:TextArea and css to format the controls appereance or just using in-line properties.

    Firefox button rollover issues

    Strange one... I have a flash file that works in every browser, except Firefox.聽 In Firefox, it appears that the Y coordinate is ''off''. You can only use the button when you are approximately 200 pixels down the screen.聽 I've tested in Chrome, Safari and IE 7 with no problems.聽 Any ideas?聽 FYI..the only other info I've been able to find may point to wmode, which in this case I have to set it to transparant so the drop down boxes above the flash movie stays ''over'' the video.聽 Here is the link. html

    Any ideas?

    Firefox button rollover issues


    聽聽聽聽 Interesting.聽 When I test that URL, the button seems just fine for me in Firefox.聽 The hotspot is positioned exactly where it makes sense (same for IE, Chrome, and Safari, all on Windows).聽 Does this issue persist for you when you clear your cache in Firefox?

    %26gt; the only other info I've been able to find may point to wmode,

    %26gt; which in this case I have to set it to transparant so the drop

    %26gt; down boxes above the flash movie stays ''over'' the video

    聽聽聽聽 A setting of ''transparent'' does allow Flash content to appear under other HTML elements, but you really only need ''transparent'' when the Flash content includes transparency.聽 WMODE is known to be a bit dicey (has been since its introduction), but anecdotal evidence suggests that ''opaque'' is a bit less problematic, and both of those -- transparent and opaque -- let your layer your SWFs behind CSS menus.

    聽聽聽聽 Not sure if WMODE is the cause for your issue, but opaque is worth a shot.

    聽聽聽聽 Here's a bit more info:


    David Stiller
    Co-author, Foundation Flash CS4 for Designers
    ''Luck is the residue of good design.''

    Firefox button rollover issues

    Well... that is strange.聽 I've had a few people test with Firefox (all windows) with the same negative result.聽 Strange you dont' find the same thing.聽 I will try opaque and report back what I find.聽 Thaks for the tips.


    聽聽聽聽 Aha!聽 I do see it.聽 Sorry for my miscommunication.

    聽聽聽聽 I had only checked the centered Play button in the video area.聽 On the left nav, I do indeed see exactly the y-axis issue you described, and only in Firefox.聽 So ... yeah, this is odd.聽 (Again, apologies for giving you the wrong impression in my previous reply.)

    聽聽聽聽 My next questions, then, are:

    聽聽聽聽 a) does this issue occur when you omit WMODE altogether (that is, leave it at its default, ''window'')?

    聽聽聽聽 b) how did you set up these buttons in Flash (normal buttons, or anything special going on with the Button.trackAsMenu property)?

    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    ''Luck is the residue of good design.''

    Ok..just to make it more confusing. When I go to the direct link for the file, it works, perfectly in Firefox. You see.. the way it is published, the HTML, CSS, Javascript generated by Lectora is on one server, the video and flash files are on another. When I publish and view locally in problem. But once I move the HTML and associated files up to server, it creates this issue. So, I think we've boiled it down to an issue with the way Lectora is publishing it. I'm moving over to that forum. Thanks again for your help.